These are the stories of rural, indigenous, migrant, and urban poor women during the pandemic. They are farmers and small food producers who were unable to sell their produce; they are wage workers who lost jobs, and small business owners who lost their livelihoods. Many belong to indigenous communities who were refused aid and faced discrimination in the delivery of health and social services. They were faced with increased harassment and physical abuse in their homes. They dealt with states’ highly militaristic responses to the pandemic that curtailed their freedom of assembly and other forms of collective action.

 This storybook also shows how women, despite the difficulties, have shown resolve and courage in fighting for their rights and welfare. The hope is that by telling and learning from their stories, we continue to seek justice and accountability, while being inspired and celebrating their triumphs and joining them in strengthening movements across the region.

 These are the stories of women and their communities in Indonesia, Philippines, Burma, Northeast India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Kyrgyzstan.  This is a journey of their struggles, resistance and solidarity! 

Read the storybook below. You can also download it here.

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