Asia Pacific People’s Forum on Sustainable Development (APPFSD)

Asia Pacific civil society are moving together with a unified agenda across constituencies and issues, facilitated by the formation of the Asia Pacific Civil Society Regional Engagement Mechanism (AP-RCEM). One of the main sites of engagement for RCEM has been the Sustainable Development Goals processes in the Asia Pacific, particularly the ministerial level Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development. With support from the UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia Pacific (UNESCAP), APWLD and RCEM began convening the Asia Pacific CSO Forum on Sustainable Development in 2014 and has been holding the event to precede the meetings of the UNESCAP Asia Pacific Forum on Sustainable Development (APFSD) in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

The CSO Forums allow for civil society actors and organisations to strengthen their capacity to do advocacy work within the UN development agenda processes, by providing skills building workshops as well as strategising sessions. The first event was designed to increase the capacities of  “underrepresented constituencies and who are new in engaging in the UN Processes or new to sustainable development discourse.”

This forum currently knows as the Asia Pacific People’s Forum on Sustainable Development (APPFSD) also provides the space for strategising interventions to the APFSD,  subsequent SDG processes as well as as those organized by the UN Environment Program (UNEP).

For more information about the APPFSD, please visit the AP-RCEM website or follow AP-RCEM on Facebook.