1. What is the Asia Pacific Feminist Forum?

The Asia Pacific Feminist Forum (APFF) is a triennial event which was born in 2011, when APWLD and our members realised a need for addressing the lack of feminist spaces for organising and advocacy, for women human rights defenders (WHRDs), feminists, and women’s rights activists from across the Asia and the Pacific. The APFF brings us all together to celebrate collective wins and resistances, deepen feminist knowledge, strengthen our linkages and solidarities with each other, and reignite our feminist fire! 

2. Who is organising APFF?

The APFF is organised by APWLD, and guided by the Activity Organising Committee (AOC) which is composed of our members and non-member allies. This year’s AOC includes:

  1. Asel Dunganaeva, ALGA, Kyrgyzstan
  2. Devi Leiper O’ Malley, Individual, Cambodian American
  3. Eni Lestari, International Migrant Alliance, Indonesia
  4. Ivy Josiah, Individual, Malaysia
  5. Joan E. Salvador or Joms, Gabriela, Philippines 
  6. Nalini Singh, FWRM, Fiji
  7. Ume Laila Azhar, HomeNet Pakistan



3. When is APFF happening?

The APFF will take place on 12th-14th September, 2024 at The Empress Convention Centre, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

4. What is the theme for APFF 4?

This APFF, our theme is Feminist World-Building: Creative Energies, Collective Journeys. This theme will bring us together to show our resistance to the patriarchal, militarised and greed-driven world we are living in, while celebrating  our movements, reclaiming our narratives, and envisioning a feminist world. If a feminist world is to come to be, then we must accept that the future is now, and at APFF 4, we will work together to build a roadmap to our feminist world. You can learn more about the APFF theme here.

5. How many APFFs have there been before?

The first APFF took place in 2011, followed by APFF 2 in 2014, and APFF 3 in 2017. APFF 4 was delayed due to the pandemic, but now, we are finally ready to return!

6. What exactly happens at APFF?

The APFF is a place for feminists and women’s rights activists from across Asia and the Pacific to convene together to celebrate our movements, achievements and each other, learn from each other’s work, and strengthen our solidarities and collective resolutions for structural change. Events at the APFF are diverse, ranging from opening plenary sessions with amazing speakers from across Asia and the Pacific, to workshops, side-events, solidarity actions, a wellness space, a feminist bazaar, lots of dancing, and much more!

7. Who can participate in APFF?

The APFF welcomes women in all their diversities, transgender and non-binary persons from Asia and the Pacific to apply!

8. When will the call for participation open?

The call for participation is open 24th January and will close 11th March. 

9. How else can we participate in APFF?

You can participate in the APFF in multiple ways, including:

  • Pitching a workshop for the APFF when we launch the open call for workshops
  • Following us online during the APFF to see our updates and livestream
  • Contributing artwork to be featured at the APFF
  • Volunteer with us if you’re based in Chiang Mai!

Keep watching our socials for updates on other ways you can get involved!


10. When will the call for workshops open?

The call for workshops is open 8th March and will close 22nd April.

11. What is the difference between applying as a participant versus submitting a workshop proposal?

The call for participation is for those who only want to attend the three days of the APFF. A workshop host would not only attend the APFF, but also organise and facilitate a workshop, if their workshop proposal is selected. For more information on workshop criteria, please see our call for workshops.

12. I want to participate in APFF, but cannot afford the costs. Is there any kind of funding or scholarship available?

We are actively mobilising resources to support as many participants as possible!  When putting in your application form, please note if you need full or partial funding and we will try our best to support your participation.  

13. There are other feminist forums happening in 2024 too, is APFF connected to those forums? What’s the difference between APFF and other forums?

Yes, there are many other events happening in 2024. APFF is a separate feminist forum for APWLD members and non-members who are feminists and activists in Asia and the Pacific. Our participants are composed of individuals and women-led organisations working on women’s human rights, with preference given to participants from grassroots and marginalised communities. The APFF is not just a celebratory space, but also a fiercely political space for strategising, knowledge-exchange, and feminist mobilising and advocacy.

While our forums are different, the feminist movement is a dynamic and interconnected movement working across the world towards the shared realisation of women’s human rights, and we encourage participants to make the most of every feminist space in our region and beyond!

14. Can we volunteer for APFF?

Absolutely! We will be sharing a call for volunteers based in Chiang Mai in the months leading up to APFF. Volunteers outside of Chiang Mai who can support their own travel and accommodation can also apply when the call for volunteers is out.

15. How can we contribute to APFF?

You can contribute to APFF by spreading the word in your networks, sharing the call for workshops and participation, and following our updates once APFF begins. 

16. What precautions are you taking to ensure that participants remain safe during the pandemic? 

We will provide masks and sanitisers as precautionary measures, and will also include some hybrid events in the APFF programme. 

17. What happens once APFF ends?

In every APFF, participants come together for solidarity actions and statements, build manifestos, create new collaborations and reinvigorate old ones, and expand their knowledge, skills, and network. But most importantly, we will leave APFF with a clear roadmap towards a feminist world based in equality, human rights, and justice, a roadmap which will guide us all in our collective and individual work.