Juddho! Lawan! Confronting Injustices, Marching for Labour Rights is a COVID-19 storybook that narrates the grassroot realities of women workers in Bangladesh and Indonesia in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. Women workers know all too well that as pandemic continues abuses will worsen and that their rights and safety will continue to be compromised as health and socio-economic crises intensif.  

This storybook tells the story of women workers’ resistance, unity and solidarity in facing the crises and fighting for their rights. Women workers know that there is no other option left but to collectively rise, resist and unite for their rights.

Juddho. Lawan means fight back in Bangla and Bahasa Indonesia respectively, to show the experience of women workers when they organise and mobilise themselves to fight back against patriarchy and continued oppression. This storybook is in collaboration of APWLD and our members; Karmojibi Nari, Naripokkho, and Federasi Serikat Buruh Persatuan Indonesia.

Read the storybook below. You can also download it here.

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