On 29 April 2013, Wardarina – our Programme Officer of Breaking Out of Marginalisation – delivered a multi major-groups statement at the Ministrial Segment of ESCAP 69th Commission Session.

Thank you Mr Chair, Excellencies, Distinguished Delegates. My name is Wardarina, from Asia-Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development and member of the Campaign for People’s Goals on Sustainable Development. I’m speaking on behalf of the Major Groups that participated in the Asia-Pacific Regional Implementation Meeting (RIM) on Rio+20 Outcomes last week.

I would like to reiterate our requests to the RIM, which may be summed up to the call for government delegates to be BOLD enough to embrace a transformative development agenda – the agenda that rethinks the concept of growth/ alongside reform of economic governance and within our strained planetary boundaries; the agenda that establishes “economies that work for the people, and not people working for the economy,” also the agenda that tackles the root structural causes of inequality between and within countries, between rich and poor and between men and women.

Concretely, we recommend the following:

1. We call for deep and structural changes in existing global systems of power, resources and decision-making. We need frameworks and institutions that are  democratic, transparent, accountable to all people, particularly the most vulnerable and marginalized. this should be based on internationally agreed human rights standards and obligations, Rio Principles and previous sustainable development commitments.

2. On key priorities for Post 2015 development agenda, we think that the new development framework should guarantee:

  • People’s control over resources and sustainable livelihoods, particularly for rural, indigenous peoples. We need to urgently address climate change, the trend of land and ocean grabbing in the region, and place food sovereignty framework at the core of SDGs.
  • Ensuring environmental sustainability and animal welfare
  • Guarantee decent work and living wages, full employment, universal social protection and social dialogue. Including ensuring policies to protect migrant workers and recognizing domestic work as work.
  • Placing peace and security based on justice as highly important and integral element of sustainable development. This includes measures on the elimination of all forms of violence against women.
  • Lastly, good governance starts at home with women able to make decisions over their own bodies, sexuality and lives. We need a minimum guarantee that the new development framework ensures sexual and reproductive rights for women and girls, and access to quality and comprehensive sexual and reproductive health services for women and girls

3. On the means of implementation, we call on governments and other stakeholders for:

  • using the human rights architecture as its’ basis and prioritize public financing over public-private partnerships in order to realize states obligations to allocate the maximum available resources.
  • Transparent and inclusive mechanisms for data collection and analysis for monitoring progress that draw inputs from marginalized groups – including women; Transparency of information, including budgets, Transparent and inclusive decision-making processes and mechanisms at all levels and across thematic themes
  • We also call on developed countries to honor their Rio commitments to provide financial resources and transfer technologies to least developed and developing countries.

Excellencies, Distinguished delegates….

We call for special and deliberate attention to the plights of SIDS, LDCs and other vulnerable countries; and for special efforts to ensure the meaningful participation of marginalized and vulnerable groups and stakeholders in policy- and decision-making. We welcome the support for multi-stakeholder processes, but stress that engagement with the private sector must be complemented by accountability.

We also call on governments and ESCAP to recognize the contributions that civil society is making and call for the formalization of our participation in decision-making. We feel the importance for our voices to be acknowledged and to be heard, and to have an equal partnership with governments in the decision-making on national, regional and global forum.

That is what we believe as genuine and meaningful regional and global partnership.

There can be no sustainable development without full, meaningful and effective participation of civil society and people’s movements. Thank you.